Brief Description
This project provided long-term professional development in mathematics for more than 500 elementary teachers in 13 Florida school districts. The professional development is based around a three-year model Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) program designed and coordinated by Linda Levi through Teachers Development Group. Members of the Schoen research lab facilitate weekly, school-based FACT team meetings for some groups of teachers in the CGI program. Project evaluation includes two multisite cluster-randomized trials designed to evaluate the impact of the first year of the CGI programs on student achievement in the primary (K–2 and intermediate 3–5) grade levels.
This project is supported by a grant from the Florida Department of Education Mathematics & Science Partnership program through the U.S. Department of Education’s Mathematics and Science Partnership program.
Grant Award Numbers
371-2355B-5C001, 371-2356B-6C001, 371-2357B-7C004
Key Personnel
Robert C. Schoen, Ph. D. (PI); Amanda M. Tazaz, Ph. D.; Colleen Ganley, Ph. D.; Monica Hurdal, Ph. D.; Mark McClure, Ph. D.; Mark LaVenia, Ph. D.; Charity Bauduin; Zachary Champagne; Wendy Bray, Ph. D.; Naomi Iuhasz-Velez.
External Link(s)
Foundations for Success in STEM project information page at the Learning Systems Institute (FSU) website
Schoen, R. C., LaVenia, M., Tazaz, A. M., Gersten, R., & Smolkowski, K. (2024). Effects of the first year of a three-year CGI teacher professional development program on grades 3–5 student achievement: A multisite cluster-randomized trial. The Elementary School Journal, 125(2), 322–346. [Click URL to open separate window for free downloadable file containing article.]
Barroso, C., Ganley, C. M., Schoen, R. C., & Schatschneider, C. (2023). Investigating the conceptualization of children’s intelligence mindset: A closer look in the domain of mathematics. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 73(1), 1–15.
Ganley, C. M., Schoen, R. C., LaVenia, M., Tazaz, A. (2019). Construct validation of the Math Anxiety Scale for Teachers. AERA Open, 5(1), 1–16.
Bray, W., Johnson, J., Rivera, N., Fink, L-A., Bauduin, C., & Schoen, R. C. (2019). Unlocking mathematical understanding together through FACT meetings. Teaching Children Mathematics, 25(2), (6), 370–377.
Bray, W. S., & Maldonado, L. A. (2018). Foster fact fluency with number string discussions. Teaching Children Mathematics, 25(2), 86–93.
Bray, W.S., & Blais, T. V. (2017). Stimulating base-ten reasoning with context. Teaching Children Mathematics, 24(2), (2), 120-127.
Schoen, R. C., LaVenia, M., & Tazaz, A. M. (2018). Effects of the first year of a three-year CGI teacher professional development program on grades 3–5 student achievement: A multisite cluster-randomized trial. (Research Report No. 2018-25). Tallahassee, FL: Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University. (WWC Intervention report)
Schoen, R. C., & Champagne, Z. (Eds.). (2017). What’s Next? Stories of teachers engaging in collaborative inquiry focused on using student thinking to inform instructional decisions. Tallahassee, FL: Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University.
Bray, W.S., & Blais, T. V. (2017). Stimulating base-ten reasoning with context. Teaching Children Mathematics, 24(2), 120-127.
Schoen, R. C., Anderson, D., Champagne, Z., & Bauduin, C. (2017). Elementary mathematics student assessment: Measuring the performance of grade K, 1, and 2 students in counting, word problems, and computation in fall 2015 (Research Report No. 2017-20).Tallahassee, FL: Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University.
Bray, W., Champagne, Z., Blais, T. V., & Schoen, R. C. (2017). Assessing early elementary students’ place value understanding: A set of interview tasks (Research Report No. 2017–28). Tallahassee, FL: Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University.
Bauduin, C., Schoen, R. C., Bray, W., Champagne, Z., Iuhasz-Velez, N., & Tazaz, A. M. (2016). Formative Assessment Collaborative Team (FACT) meetings facilitator’s guide (Research Report No. 2016–05). Tallahassee, FL: Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University.
Schoen, R. C. & Tazaz, A. M. (2019, June). Impact of cognitively guided instruction on Florida teachers, students, and schools: 2013–present. . Presented at the Research Presession for the Cognitively Guided Instruction National Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Schoen, R. C., LaVenia, M., & Tazaz, A. M. (2019, April). Effects of a CGI program on grades 3–5 students: A multisite cluster-randomized trial. . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Ontario.
Schoen, R. C. (2019, February). From one to infinity: A framework for early counting and numeracy. . Presented at the annual conference of the Florida Distance Learning Association and the Florida Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL.
Schoen, R. C. (2019, January). Learning from three randomized trials of Cognitively Guided Instruction in Florida. . Presented at the annual IES principal investigators meeting, Washington, DC.
Ganley, C. M., Schoen, R. C., LaVenia, M., & Tazaz, A. M. (2018, April). The development and validation of the Math Anxiety Scale for Teachers. . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Bray, W. (2018, April). Please challenge me! Differentiating for strong mathematics students in the primary grades. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting: Washington D.C.
Schoen, R. C., Tazaz, A. M., & Levi, L. (2017, June). Replicating the CGI Experiment: Description of a professional development model and results of recent randomized controlled trials. . Presented at the biennial Cognitively Guided Instruction National Conference, Seattle, WA.
Bray, W., Blais, T. V., & Schoen, R. C. (2017, October). Unpacking place value: What are children thinking? . Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Regional Conference, Orlando, FL.
Schoen, R. C. (2017, October). If we could see the mind, we wouldn’t teach fact fluency the way we do. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Regional Conference, Orlando, FL.
Riddell, C., & Schoen, R. C. (2017, October). Making it count: Exploring the research on counting and related resources. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Regional Conference, Orlando, FL.
Champagne, Z., Schoen, R. C., & Riddell, C. (2015, October). Counting, cardinality, and conservation: Exploring student thinking and classroom applications. Presented at the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Bauduin, C., Schoen, R. C., Bray, W., Steele, L., & Sadler, C. (2017, October). Supporting teacher learning and collaboration through a weekly math meeting model. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Regional Conference, Orlando, FL.
Bauduin, C., Schoen, R. C., Tazaz, A. M., Bray, W., Steele, L., & Sadler, C. (2017, June). Forging connections together: A weekly math meeting model to support teacher learning. Presented at the Cognitively Guided Instruction National Conference, Seattle, WA.
Bauduin, C., Bray, W., Schoen, R. (2016, January). Bridging professional development and practice through structured weekly math meetings. Presentation at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Irvine, CA.
Dimery, G., & May, S. W. (2016, December). Foundations of fractions: The importance of equal sharing problems. Paper presented at the FCR-STEM Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Dimery, G., & May, S. W. (2016, October). Digging deeper into fact fluency. Paper presented at the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. (Participating teachers’ presentation).
Steele, L., & Corbin-Rankin, L. (2016, October). Kindergarteners can! Paper presented at the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Laughrey, T., & McGlynn, S. (2016, October). Making math a just-right fit for every learner. Paper presented at the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Greek, T., & Lee, J. (2016, October). The power of solving problems “My Own Way.” Paper presented at the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Bauduin, C., Bray, W., & Schoen, R.C. (2016, January). Bridging professional development and practice through structured weekly math meetings. . Presented at the annual conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Irvine, CA.
Gorham, L. (2016, October). Guided Collaborative Learning. Paper presented at the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Epling, E., & Boyd-Marks, S. (2016, October). Using open number lines to promote flexible thinking for addition and subtraction. Paper presented at the Florida Council for Teaching and Mathematics (FCTM) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Bray, W., Tazaz, A. M., & Bauduin, C. (2015, December). Beyond addition and subtraction: Expanding problem-solving in the early grades. Invited oral presentation presented at the FCR-STEM Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Whitacre, I., Schoen, R. C., & Champagne, Z. (2015, October). What’s the difference? Thinking about subtraction as take away and distance. Presented at the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics (FCTM) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Roque, W., Tyler, R., & Wiltz, D. (2015, October). Introducing multiplication in the lower elementary grades. Presented at the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics (FCTM) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. (Participating teachers’ presentation).
Dimery, G., & May, S. W. (2015, October). Foundations of fractions: The importance of equal sharing problems. Presented at the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics (FCTM) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. (Participating teachers’ presentation).
Bauduin, C., Schoen, R. C., & Tazaz, A. M. (2015, October). Students’ interpretation of the equal sign. Presented at the Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics (FCTM) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.